I'm making a soup today for a lymphatic cleanse, Operation Manna had a celebration of sorts at the bakery today, Doug appeared in May's issue of Biz X magazine and my daughter is doing her civic duty and got picked to be part of a jury. So ya, lots is going on!
A campaign at Nana's Bakery started off this morning, collecting Canadian Tire money for Unit 7 Homeless Drop in Centre. It's a team effort with the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association Museum, honours Operation Manna, a Second World War campaign which saw food dropped over the Netherlands by hundreds of Allied Aircraft. There's a local connection to this as the pilot of the very first Lancaster bomber to do the food drop was from Windsor, Robert Upcott. Stan Jones, another local was also on the plane. His widow Helen, comes in the bakery with Pauline and Colin who run the Canadian Historical Aircraft Museum. These wonderful people meet at the bakery and everyone was talking about how to make this years anniversary a little more special. Nana's bakery has been a drop off for items we bring to Unit 7 every week. The connection between the two seems appropriate. Unit 7 is there for the homeless and hungry, Operation Manna was there for the starving people in the Netherlands. It was an awesome get together today to celebrate the connection of people helping people. Channel 6 was there interviewing people and there was an article in the Windsor Star today! We will continue to collect Canadian Tire money and turn it over to Unit 7! Christine , who runs Unit 7 is a wonderful person. She was once homeless and openly shares her story.
Check out Biz X's May issue! Yes that's Doug on page 12 , www.bizxmagazine.com.
As for the lymphatic cleanse , I retain water, what can I say. Plus, we are doing the Biggest Loser at the bakery and I've gained weight in the past 4 weeks, not lost. Ugh! Three days of this soup should do it.
My daughter is on a jury. I think it's pretty exciting! So Gill, what's the trial about? Mom , I can't tell you , it's a Federal offense to discuss the case! Guess we won't be talking much in the next 2 weeks! Barb
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