Spring is in the air, back riding my bike to work. It feels so good to be out there in the fresh, crisp air in the morning.

Today was a cookie day! Linda made and decorated these beautiful cookies for Easter.

Linda also made these Gluten Free apple scones. It was her first attempt with this and she did a great job. Surprising as this sounds , they were better when they cooled down a bit. I think the flavour just came through as they cooled. Can't wait to see what flavour she'll try next!

Doug and Linda make turnovers nearly everyday. Thought I'd put a few pictures of them in as they looked especially good today! Maybe someday they'll try making them Gluten Free. I miss them!

At Nana's Bakery we make nearly everything from scratch. No premixes here! Everyone is so busy , it's hard to find the time to cook or bake. Doug and Chris Wellington (dietician) are teaming up again and are offering a class, Cooking on a Budget. There is no charge for this class and everyone is welcome. It's the same class offered at two different times. Monday April 12 from 1-3 at Windsor FHT Training Room. 2475 McDougall Street #245 Jackson Park Health Centre or Monday April 19th 6-8pm Nana's Bakery 2936 Dominion Blvd. Please register with Chris at 519 250 5656 #206 or Doug at 519 966 2434. Hope to see you there!
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