Thursday, February 25, 2010


Some days at the bakery when the dishes are piled up, I've burnt the second batch of the same cookie and I just can't seem to manage gravity - I think I could just walk out. And then most days, I see the faces that are becoming more and more familiar and realise how much Nana's really is a family. We all have good days and bad days and no matter what, family is always there for you. I can't believe I've grown so attached to this place in the short amount of time I've been working here.
Yesterday Doug was talking to the repair man (The door came off the fridge- we'll call that a bad day!) and he said some of the nicest things about me and made me realise how truly lucky I was to be working for him. He gave me my first job in a bakery, he started my apprenticeship for me I really do owe the beginning of my career to him. Thank you for everything Doug.
The funny thing is when I was looking for my first real career job there were two bakeries that stood out to me. One that made elegant desserts and cakes with real butter, my dream job. Then this bakery which made sugar free items and no butter. I thought going into the bakery I wouldn't want to work there. I applied to many more, but I was hired at both of these places. I absolutely disliked the fancy place! Turns out the one place I didn't think I wanted to work at was my dream job. Doug has a quote "Everyone deserves a cookie." And it's so true, when someone comes in who has an allergy and can finially eat something from a bakery or have something made especially for them, seeing the joy on their face makes it so worth it and gives me so much pride. One year ago I had no idea what kind of baker I would be and now I believe I've found my place!

1 comment:

  1. Your post brought a tear to my eye! You say exactly how I feel. It's good to have a bad day once in a while, it makes us appreciate the good ones. You've brought new energy and a special something to the bakery, we are truly glad you are here!
